RELATED | Photographer Captures A Nude NAVY WWII Hero During Gun Battle Unfortunately, so many of these photos were purposely destroyed by horrified family members,” Gent said. “These photos represent just a small fragment of our Gay and Lesbian History.
Gent began forming a massive compilation of vintage photographs that showcased same-sex couples on a website he named “Homo History.”
“If so, how sad that Uncle Clarence’s family knew nothing about his life, and that he wasn’t able to speak openly about it.” “That photo made me wonder if this bachelor uncle not only looked like me, but was also gay,” Gent told The Huffington Post. It’s funny, he was a confirmed bachelor his whole life, just like you.”
Gent developed an immense passion and curiosity for LGBT vintage photography after his grandfather handed him a cabinet card of a young man from the 1890s, telling him, “I just realized the other day that you look so much like my Great Uncle Clarence. Jeffrey Gent has made it his mission to bring to light the stories of hundreds of LGBT individuals who have lived their lives almost entirely in the closet.